Fam. Verginer Enrico . Mirì 1 . I-39030 S. MARTINO IN BADIA
M1 +39 333 236 48 24 . M2 +39 333 964 44 29 . E info@planhof-lamontanara.com

Forecast for today 23-01-2025

Mostly cloudy

Weather conditions

Low pressure influence.

The weather today

Clouds will continue to dominate in the afternoon, with only a few sunny spells in places. A few raindrops and snowflakes are still possible. The highest temperatures will range from 3° to 7°.

Mountain weather today


Weather conditions

Low pressure influence.

The weather today

Cloudy conditions on the mountains, restricted visibility. This can also result in light snowfall.

Forecast for tomorrow 24-01-2025

Lots of sunshine

Weather conditions

A high pressure system will ensure stable and calm weather conditions for two days.

The weather tomorrow

The morning clouds will clear and the sun will shine throughout the region, with only a few harmless clouds passing through. Early morning temperatures between -7° and -1°, maximum values from 4° to 9°.

Mountain weather tomorrow

Lots of sunshine

Weather conditions

A high pressure system will ensure stable and calm weather conditions for two days.

The weather tomorrow

The sun will shine most of the time, with passing clouds above summit level. It will become milder, zero degree line will rise to over 2000 m.

Forecast for the next days

Precipitations from Sunday

TH23 FR24 SA25 SU26 MO27 TU28
-1°C -3°C -7°C -5°C -3°C -3°C
3°C 5°C 9°C 8°C 7°C 7°C

On Saturday, the sun will mostly shine alongside some clouds, with low stratus clouds possible in the southern parts of the region. Very cloudy on Sunday with widespread rain in the afternoon. The snow line will be around 1300 m. The weather will remain unsettled on Monday, with some rain in the south in the afternoon and the possibility of precipitation again in most of the region towards the evening. On Tuesday widespread rain and snowfall, with the snow line dropping to around 800-1000 m.